Since 1988, CulturePrep has built alliances with schools, businesses and communities across the country.

Identifying obstacles to cross-cultural relationships and mutual understanding, CulturePrep develops strategies to address the need and fill the demand for professional cross-cultural support in the broad spectrum of public, private and nonprofit sectors. CulturePrep is the evolution of Mission SUCCESS.

In 2000, CulturePrep expanded its flagship education program, Mission SUCCESS, to include a highly targeted initiative aimed at advancing cross-cultural relations in faith-based institutions and in the corporate arena.

CulturePrep continues the values, ethic and priorities that have meant success since 1988. With a growing team of culturally diverse associates and volunteers, including authorities in education, business, human relations and ecumenism, CulturePrep champions a philosophy that holds people in high regard.

In our world of change, where politics, national boundaries, laws, issues and modes of expression are affected, some things remain the same:

  • Conflict and division among peoples are deeply rooted in a lack of cross-cultural education and understanding.
  • CulturePrep continues to meet the challenges of a changing world struggling with age-old issues by remaining relevant and inspiring, overcoming gaps in reach, and creating appeal and motivation among its member audiences.